For Authors

In this section you will find the information you need to know about publishing with Polar Data Journal.

1. Before submitting your manuscript:

・ Deposit your data/dataset in an appropriate repository. Please feel free to contact us when you can't deposit it in an appropriate repository.

・ Check that your manuscript is prepared in accordance with our submission guidelines.

When you are ready, please submit your manuscript and related files (including all relevant data/datasets) or links via our online submission system. Please enter the information in the comment box with our online submission system, that an appropriate repository requirements are fulfilled.

2. Technical check
The Editorial Office staff performs a technical check of all submitted manuscripts. In the technical check, the staff ensures that the submission conforms to the standards set by Polar Data Journal and includes all the information the journal requires. Authors must modify their first manuscript in accordance with the staff’s instructions.

3. Review process
The Editorial Board consists of 12 members. Upon initial receipt of the manuscript, the Editor in Chief may advise the author on items such as wording and organization. The genuine review process is carried out through the online submission system (Editorial Manager). After formal submission, the manuscript and data/dataset are reviewed by two referees; selected by the associate editor. Referees and editors may request modifications/revisions of the manuscript and data/dataset. If authors modify the data/dataset, they should announce the modifications to the referees and editors in their reply documents. Acceptance of the manuscript is determined by the Editorial Board.

4. Proofs

One set of page proofs will be sent to the corresponding author, who should check the typesetting and editing. The author is not allowed to make changes or corrections that constitute departures from the article in its accepted form; only errors can be corrected at the proof stage. Proofs should be returned within 7 days.

5. Publishing your article data/dataset
After review, we will publish the article (and data/dataset) in the Polar Data Journal repository as soon as it is ready.
Authors will receive announcement of publication by e-mail.

Related link
・ Submission Guidelines
・ Appropriate Repositories
・ Publishing Policies
・ Data Policies



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