Publication Ethics

1. Authorship
The requirement that can become "Author" is to contribute a significant part of the scientific work. All persons who contributed your work need to be named in the list of authors. In the other way, you should not list any persons who is not involved your work or only supported by financial support.

2. Fabrication, Falsification, or Plagiarism
Research misconduct, such as fabrication, falsification or plagiarism, is contrary to the essence of research activities and results presentation. In case of perceiving the possibility of these issues, we will deal strictly in accordance with the guideline, "Guidelines for Responding to Misconduct in Research. by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT)"

3. Duplicate publication
Duplicate publication should be prohibited by following two reasons:

・Wasting time of reviewers by unnecessary peer review
・Bringing mislead by increasing apparent your contribution number

When it turns out of duplicate publication, you will be suffering disadvantage, like retraction, prohibition for submitting our other journals in a fixed term.



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